Following the events of Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker, with the help of his mentor Tony Stark, tries to balance his life as an ordinary high school student in Queens, New York City, with fighting crime as his superhero alter ego Spider-Man as a new threat, the Vulture, emerges.
There's now officially (not at all officially, more like just-my-opinion-ally) twice as many good Spider-Man movies as there is bad ones. But _Homecoming_ is my favourite of the bunch. 2017 has been a...
Disappointing return for the webslinger. After the dramatic introduction in Civil War this film feels like an excercise in keeping the coffers full.
Unlike the Toby Maguire films this incarnation fee...
Per Gunnar Jonsson4/10
I guess I should not be too surprised given the Spider Man character we saw in the latest Captain America but I have to say that I was, well, hoping for something else, as in something better.
If t...
**Young & hungry to fight crimes!**
No doubt, Tobey Maguire Spider-man is the best. It was also the first modern superhero of the millennium. The visual effects and entertainment wise, the second l...
A Fan of Many Things10/10
After the failure that was 'The Amazing Spider-man 2' Sony made a drastic decision in lending the character back to Marvel, and did it pay off? Absolutely!
Unlike the Sam Raimi trilogy where Toby M...
Andrew Gentry9/10
My expectations were extremely low before this one released. Can't argue that the Amazing Spider-Man movies are very bad, yet there is always a room for a getting worse. But seriously, Homecoming has ...
Spider-Man: Homecoming can't even hold a candle next to Sam Raimi's first two Spider-Man films, not to mention Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. Homecoming is simply Marvel's integration of Spider-Man...
I personally thought all hope was lost, there's no way ANOTHER Spider-Man reboot could be successful. Yet this movie is colourful, fun, and fitting movie for the MCU
A lot of fun!
<em>'Spider-Man: Homecoming'</em> is entertaining, as I had expected in truth. The plot is possibly not as great as it could've been, but it is still one that is enjoyable to see. The...
Once again, Marvel have succeeded in reinventing this franchise - and again, they have alighted on a Brit. Tom Holland is a super choice as our hero - he has oodles of on-screen charisma; he genuinely...
I won't complain about the continuity error within the MCU...because no one really cares least of all myself.
Well, how do we do this. I mean, it is refreshing that Garfield is gone and with him th...